Saturday, May 5, 2012

Photo Dump From This Week

I've been working long days this week between my normal serving shifts and doing renovations for work. Hopefully all this work will let me bank some cash to have fun later traveling. I only went snowboarding one day this week due to all the working and shitty weather. But hey...I WENT snowboarding this week! I bought some new running kicks today to prepare for a 10k run at the end of the month and I know it's supposed to be a fun run, but I just want to compete and beat people. Tomorrow is supposed to bring a string of sunny days, so that only means one thing....SUNNY SHRED DAYS IN THE PARK!!!

Pat Ricks BirthdayCrew.
Wednesday was Patrick from work's birthday so we went up for some laps. Patrick.

BirthdayCrew minus a few dudes.

The other night I worked from 11PM till 7AM and refinishing these tables was all I knew till the sun came up.

 I organized all the servers and bartenders at work to put money in on a gift for our bussers Yoshi and Yukiko who kill it all day everyday.  Our manager told Yoshi(pictured) there was a problem with the toilet and she needed to fix it....little did she know we were in the there waiting to give her her gift.

 I was in early the other day doing more renovations and Felix decided to buy and cook ingridients from the store to make breakfast steak sandwiches. SO GOOD!

Went mountain biking for the first real time with Craig today around Lost Lake behind my house. It was so badass! I had no idea how fun and exhilerating it was and I wasn't even using the best bike for the job.

 Craig and Lost Lake.

Sun setting on Lost Lake.

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