Friday, February 3, 2012

BobSleigh World Cup

Jumped all over getting a chance to watch bobsleighs fly by at 147 km/h only a foot or so away. I could seriously hi five them....if I wanted to lose my arm. We only caught the final heat of "sleighers", but it was still cool. It's really intense at the top when the sleighers are preparing....nothing like Cool Runnings. It was all grunting, yelling and they would hit each other and then the sleighs to get pumped up. Super funny. 


Daryl, Leah, and Jenny.


My camera just wasn't good enough to capture the awesomeness that is Bobsleighing.

Daryl waiting for a sleigh to rush by.

Jenny 2.0.

Crag 2.0

Canadian Jocks. They won gold.


  1. Keep those pictures and captions coming, hon! I'm loving this. And loving that you're getting to experience this as you are. Brilliant move on your part to trust your instincts and just go for it. Few people do, most people regret they don't (those who even REALIZE taking time out for themselves is an option). I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!

  2. Wow, I'm so impressed with this!!! So, I didn't know it was "bob-sleighing". How come when they talk about it during the Olympics, etc. it's always bobsledding? I guess it depends on where you live. No matter what it's called it is wonderful!!! Wow the speed is incredible. I'm sooo glad you got to see this. A once in a lifetime of an adventure, or maybe not. More to come. Love ya mom
