Monday, February 20, 2012

Midnight POW Post

Snowboarding was pretty sweet today. Hit runs, Kybers(Ridic), and ended with Whis park laps. It was crazy busy at work tonight too.

The 8 dollar "Classic" at WildWood in Function Junction. 

Craig crowd surfing the gondi.


 Friends 2.0

Flat Cliffs in Kybers.

 Coming out of Kybers...30 minute tree run.
Hahaha...Get it...


  1. What a beautiful way to spend your birthday!!!! I'm soo glad you are surrounded by friends who care about you. We miss you, but know that you are having a "radfuntime!"

    Love ya mom

  2. Birthday boy? It's someone's birthday today??? Ohhhhh..... yeah, how about that?! It's Benjamin Bunny's B-day! YAY!!!!!!
